5 Tips For Planning A Stress-Free Corporate Family Event

At Pluto, we’ve organised our fair share of family fun days for clients – and while they are hugely enjoyable to plan, they are not without their challenges! Luckily, we’ve figured out the winning formula to hosting a fun family event that is loved by both parents and kiddos alike!

There’s no better way to recognise your employees hard work and loyalty by rewarding them with a fun day out for themselves and their families. So, follow our quick tips for planning an unforgettable family experience.

1. Make registration seamless

Where possible, have wristbands distributed before the event so guests are not having to queue to register.Nothing can put a dampener on a fun day out with the kids than copious amounts of queuing.

And don’t forget, children should have special wristbands with a space for parents to fill their phone number in case the child gets lost while on site

2. All-Access schedules

Let’s be real – leaving the house on time with small children is easier said than done. Whether it’s one of the kids who has lost a shoe, or you’ve misplaced your car keys while trying to get everyone ready – there’s always some delay. Hey, that’s life.
Make your schedule of events flexible for families – like staging repeat shows and have food available all throughout the event so parents don’t have to rush to get their before a deadline. This will mean that families can plan their day around small children’s nap times and not miss out on anything.

3. Activities for All Ages

It’s important to cater to all age groups – and that includes the parents too! Try to fit in fun games and activities that span generations. How about a parent and child relay race or a fun 360 camera – everyone loves to get their picture taken!
The more people who can get involved, the less guests left standing watching.
At Pluto, we have fun photo and animated GIF booths that always go down a treat at family friendly events. We even make the screens at various heights for easy accessibility. Ask us about them.

4. Full belly, happy heart!

Feeding your guests well is absolutely key to a successful event. It’s important to have lots of options that span cultures, dietary requirements and tastes. Don’t leave the vegetarians or coeliacs as an after thought – and remember dessert is just as important as mains!

Ensure you have children’s options along side the adults – you don’t want parents having to queue twice. It’s also important to provide plenty of seating too, so guests can eat comfortably.

5. Adequate supervision

Put yourself in the shoes of a parent with children aged 12, 6 and 2. The older one wants to play at the video games, the 6 year old wants to do arts and crafts and the 2 year old just wants to run around. Have all areas of your event well staffed so that parents are free to spread themselves around different parts of the event without worrying about their little ones.

We always staff our wobblers area with specially trained creche staff so our under 3’s can be supervised and play safely while their parents are busy getting them food or with the older kids.



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