Pluto Goes To Web Summit 2019: 5 Lessons From Lisbon

It wasn’t just mediterranean climate and dangerously cheap cerveja that brought team Pluto to the Portuguese captial (although it was welcomed!). We were making the annual pilgrimage to the mecca of marketing, the Glastonbury for geeks, where the future happens – Web Summit 2019.

On a bitterly cold November afternoon, just like 70,000 guests from around the globe, we boarded a plane to sunny Lisbon to soak up every ounce of innovation, inspiration and insight from the movers and shakers of the tech, media and marketing worlds.

Having attended Web Summit when it was in its first home in Dublin’s RDS, we were eager to see how the tech conference has grown since moving to the massive Altice Arena and Lisbon Exhibition & Congress Centre. And grown it has! Spread over five exhibition pavilions and an arena-sized main stage, Web Summit is a veritable who’s who of tech giants and ones to watch on the world stage.

We’ve compiled a few of our favourite talks and panel discussions we caught at Web Summit 2019.

1. The Power of Word of Mouth is the Power of Your Brand [John Wolanin, co-founder and Chief Design Officer of]

xc from Web Summit on Vimeo.

2. The business of GIF$ [Alex Chung, Founder of Giphy]

The business of GIF$ from Web Summit on Vimeo.

3. How to Win on Social [Dima Khatib, Margaret Molloy, Alex Chung and Mark Little]

How to win on social from Web Summit on Vimeo.

4. Storytelling & Brands [Graham McDonnell, Creative Director at The New York Times]

The New York Times Storytelling and brands from Web Summit on Vimeo.

5. Fixing the Gender Imbalence in Digital Media [Dima Khatib, Managing Director of AJ+, Al Jazeera Group]

Fixing the gender imbalance in digital media from Web Summit on Vimeo.

digital marketing

digital trends

web summit



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