Dublin Rape Crisis Centre


Youth Marketing

We partnered with the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre in an industry-first campaign

We joined forces with 22 leading TikTokkers in Ireland to launch the #100Consent campaign. This initiative aimed to educate and raise awareness about consent among youth aged 16-24. By utilising TikTok influencers’ creativity and implementing a targeted digital advertising campaign, the campaign emphasised the importance of clear communication in matters of sexual consent.


The challenge that DRCC faced was in reaching young adults. The DRCC understood that young adults needed a better understanding of how to communicate their preferences and feelings when it comes to consent.


Encourage a lasting conversation around consent among young adults.

Address the consequences of non-consensual encounters in a thought-provoking way, rather than using judgmental scare tactics.

Reach a high volume of young adults using clear, relatable language and messaging.

Create a basis for further awareness-raising and engagement with this age group that could be developed over a longer term.

Steer the target group towards other DRCC information channels including its website and the National Helpline.


Pluto devised and created a campaign named #100Consent which communicated the message that if someone is even 1% unsure when it comes to sexual consent, the consequences could be devastating. A play on 100 per cent, the campaign focused on clarity and communication.

The #100Consent campaign harnessed the power of digital innovation and social influence to drive a critical conversation on consent among young people. Using thought-provoking digital assets and the expansive reach of TikTok, the campaign engaged young people directly through content they relate to and understand. These assets drew parallels between everyday choices and the importance of certainty in consent, reinforced through both organic and paid social media strategies. To amplify the message, we invited 22 leading Irish TikTok creators for a collaborative consent workshop to brainstorm and produce original content that resonates with their combined 2.8 million followers. The unprecedented gathering of these influencers, coupled with the support of Irish media, propelled the #100Consent message across Ireland, making it a groundbreaking initiative in peer-led social campaigning.

#100Consent engaged Ireland’s most popular TikTok creators through a voluntary day of workshops and brainstorming sessions.

Alongside the earned and organic media, Pluto ran a strategic digital ad campaign across Facebook and Instagram, targeting the 16-24 age demographic.

Pluto also produced a suite of highlight reels from the launch day itself that ran across several ad placements – including Instagram Stories, Feed, and IGTV.


50 pieces of online content created. #100Consent amassed 2.2 million views and 135,000 likes, boasting an impressive 11.5% engagement rate.

Over 100 pieces of media coverage across national and regional online, print and broadcast titles with a reach in excess of 32 million. DRCCs website experienced a surge in traffic over the campaign – visitors rose 66% over the previous month, and sessions grew by 55%. The site saw a large rise in users in the 18-24 age group, from 13% to 23% in the same time period.



Winner of ‘Best Social Media’ at The Spider Awards 2022

Winner of Best Issues-Led Campaign – PRII Awards 2021

Winner of Best Campaign By A Registered Charity – PRII Awards 2021

Gold for Best Cause at APMC Awards 2021