Irish Heart Foundation – Reboot

Heart Month 2021

Social Good

Highlighting Heart Health in Men Over 40: “Reboot” Targets Proactive Care and Early Intervention

It is never too late for men to start thinking about their health – it’s never too late to return to exercise or to discover something new. Now is not the time to hang up the boots!


We needed to:

Make men aware of the risk factors to their heart health Encourage men to act and make a change in their lives in favour of their heart health Create awareness that the Irish Heart Foundation is here to help with support and resources

Our Campaign KPIs:

An easy-to-follow challenge – digital interaction and downloads Traffic to website Social media engagement Campaign video views Reach of campaign digital advertising


The Reboot campaign was rolled out across traditional media, digital, social media, and print resources. The Reboot campaign was rolled out across traditional media, digital, social media, and print resources. The campaign included video content featuring well known Irish Rugby players, digital and print design assets and supporting radio advertising.

We devised the concept “Reboot”, a campaign aimed firstly at hitting the audience with eye-opening statistics and secondly to get men aged 40+ to either return to exercise or health-conscious hobbies from their youth or to discover brand new passions that will benefit their health. Through powerful imagery—contrasting wheelchairs with bicycles, medication with nutritious food, and oxygen tanks with dog walking—it illustrated the drastic outcomes of neglect versus the benefits of proactive health choices.


Post Campaign Survey Participants in the Reboot Campaign were surveyed post campaign. 80% of those surveyed said the Reboot campaign changed/increased their awareness of their heart health. 85% said they made lifestyle changes because of Reboot and 92% said they would recommend Reboot to others.

website views


The Reboot website received 8633 views over the course of the month



Signed up to the Reboot campaign to pledge a commitment to make a change in their lives for the good of their heart health



Organic social media posts across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn had a reach of 238,090 with a 1.62% engagement rate.

Website The Reboot website received 8633 views over the course of the month with 3919 signing up to the Reboot campaign to pledge a commitment to make a change in their lives for the good of their heart health. PR Reboot was covered in earned media by the Irish Independent, Daily Mail, The Sun, Star, Irish Farmers Journal, Newstalk, The Ray D’Arcy Show with a reach of over 3.6million. Social Media Engagement Campaign email open rates were at an impressive 62%. Organic social media posts across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn had a reach of 238,090 with a 1.62% engagement rate.