
Jaffa Jonuts Launch

Shopper Marketing

We decided to build the Jaffa Jonuts launch campaign around ‘Escaping the Daily Routine’. To allow yourself that daily moment of indulgence with Jaffa Jonuts.

Jaffa Jonuts were ready to explode onto the Irish market. We delivered a 360 campaign leading consumers along their journey to discover a delicious new treat.


Optimise the expandability of the category by driving awareness and innovation. Drive penetration among younger shoppers and trade up existing sweet biscuit shoppers. Position Jonuts as an everyday treat. Recreate the significant excitement and buzz in ROI that was created by the UK launch. Encourage product trialling through comms.


The campaign revolved around the theme of "Escaping the Daily Routine" – to take a moment out of the day to indulge in a Jaffa Jonut. Multiple channels were employed to achieve the brand’s objectives.

In-Store Promotion & Activation

To boost in-store awareness, the campaign utilised various in-store point-of-sale (POS) materials. Shoppers engaged with the brand instore through a competition offering a chance to win a trip to Centre Parcs to “Escape the Daily Routine.” FSDUs, Aisle Fins, digital screens, and online touchpoints on retailers’ websites were leveraged to communicate the competition and drive traffic towards McVitie’s social channels, further engaging customers.

PR Drop

We crafted bespoke PR drops that were hand delivered to key influencers whose audience aligned with Jonuts’ target market. This included a fun mini Jonut Wall. The Jonut Wall highlighted six recommended consumption times throughout the day, effectively communicating the suggested moments of indulgence. ​

Press Release

Simultaneously, a press release was issued to generate excitement and awareness around the new Jonuts product. The press release gained significant coverage, including a feature on, and secured the competition slot, generating additional exposure for Jonuts.

Sampling & OOH

Product sampling played a crucial role in the campaign’s success. Tesco sample boxes, Dublin Marathon race bags, and a social sampling campaign called MVPs (Most Valuable People) were utilised. Users were encouraged to sign up through social media to receive a sample directly at their homes, further strengthening the brand’s connection with the customers. To further target shoppers when out of the aisle, our designers created eye-catching formats of digital out of home artwork.


PR Reach


Across Irish media

Competition Entries


Across Irish media

Social Impressions
